The First Annual Nepal Conference for Women is next week, June 2-3, 2018, and HANDS in Nepal will be there! Our field representative Kavita Thapa Adhikari will be presenting a workshop about water filtration and incorporating village students water system maintenance.
HANDS will be working at our Learning Centers with Kavita to provide this important training "hands on" to students who can then help their villages by maintaining the sand filtration systems.
Namaste Kavita for your hard work and efforts to develop this program and bring it to remote rural villages where clean water is a major factor in reduced childhood mortality and improved health for all villagers.
HANDS will be working at our Learning Centers with Kavita to provide this important training "hands on" to students who can then help their villages by maintaining the sand filtration systems.
Namaste Kavita for your hard work and efforts to develop this program and bring it to remote rural villages where clean water is a major factor in reduced childhood mortality and improved health for all villagers.